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Should You Do The 30-Day Butt Challenge or Use Booty Maxx?

Should You Do The 30-Day Butt Challenge or Use Booty Maxx?

The 30-Day butt challenge is a very popular method that women use to get a bigger butt. You may have seen an infographic shared on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter by one of your girlfriends that details the process and they make it look easy. If you’ve ever tried the 30-day butt challenge, you know that it isn’t easy to do and the results are slim. Compared to our bigger butt pills and cream, this challenge doesn’t hold up well for most women.

Getting a bigger butt is near impossible to be achieved by a 30-day workout unless you workout at a high intensity every time. Casually doing the workouts outlined in the 30-Day butt challenge really won’t get you anywhere, except leave you with a lower self-esteem because you were convinced that this would work. We apologize for this depressing news, but we want to help women get a bigger butt before they waste their time with this challenge.

Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t do the 30-day butt challenge and instead consider pills & cream that help you get a bigger butt:

30-Day Butt Challenge Is (near) Impossible

Everyone reading this blog probably has a friend that’s tried the 30-Day butt challenge. Unless their booty was seriously poppin’ afterward, you have to wonder if it was worth 30 days of strain and sweat. If you’re a busy woman, setting aside 30 minutes for a butt-focused workout may not be on your agenda every day. You have responsibilities that the 30-Day butt challenge doesn’t care for, and that’s why we cannot recommend it.

Our bigger butt pills exclusively help your butt grow in size and mass. The best part about them is that you don’t have to work out if you don’t want to (although it would expedite the process) and they fit your schedule. Give them a try if you haven’t!

Booty Maxx Is Highly Reviewed

Booty Maxx reviews happen to be the highest in the industry. Having the #1 rated bigger butt pills on the internet is a pretty amazing distinction-- all of our reviews are real, verified, and consistently above 4 stars on all of our products. We’re also highly reviewed on Amazon as well if you’d like to read authentic reviews there as well.

There are so many negative reviews about the 30-day butt challenge that we had to make this blog. We take reviews into account before we purchase anything online, and we think you should, too. Make the right decision with the highest rated butt enhancement supplements on the internet!

Butt Pills & Cream Are Easier

Ultimately, it doesn’t take much time, resources, or sweat putting cream on your butt cheeks or taking a couple of pills a day. Working out every day for a challenge will be 1000x more difficult than Booty Maxx, we can guarantee that. In addition, if you miss a day of workouts or lower your intensity, you’re most likely going to see no results from your efforts. Furthermore, if you want to gain more butt mass after the 30 days, you likely won’t do it because the first 30 days were hard enough!

If you had the option to make your life easier with a simple change, you would likely do it in a heartbeat. Don’t make the same mistake many women have made with social media gimmicks!

If you’re trying to slim your waist at the same as growing your butt, we also offer a waist slimmer to go along with our Let’s Get It Started Kit. This also goes for our fat trim cream. We are your one-stop shop for your body makeover!

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